Shop Yoga Wall Decals and Murals to decorate your space. Choose from our selection of Yoga inspired, easy-to-apply peel and stick wall decor options, or get creative and design your own custom decal!
Lotus Flower
As low as $13.00
Hand Buddha
As low as $13.00
Woman Meditation Pose Cropping Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
As low as $13.00
Zen Type Collage Rose
As low as $13.00
3501 Wall Decal
As low as $13.00
Yin Yang Love Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
Flower Life Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
Yoga Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
Yoga Wall Decal
As low as $13.00
Stock Vector Illustration Indian
As low as $13.00
Steinsaule Mit Ringelblume Wall Decal
As low as $13.00
Woman Doing Yoga Meditation
As low as $13.00
Logo Arbre Wall Decal
As low as $13.00
Lotus Flower
As low as $13.00
Blue Lotus Flower and
As low as $13.00
Inde Ganesh Fond Noir Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
White Lotus Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
Pink Water Lily Flower
As low as $13.00
Pink Lotus with Blue Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
Tae-bo Silhouettes Wall Stickers
As low as $13.00
Sieben Lichter Fa R Wall Mural
As low as $13.00
As low as $13.00
Day and Night Yinyang Wall Decal
As low as $13.00
Goa India Symbol Stained Wall Decal
As low as $13.00
Lotus Water Wall Mural
As low as $19.12
Pilates Women Silhouettes Vector
As low as $13.00
As low as $13.00
Yoga Wall Mural
As low as $13.00